Portable bookmark manager and favorites organizer - share bookmarks and favorites between multiple computers and browsers
www.BookmarkNavigator.com is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience on our website. This policy outlines our personal information handling practices for both online and offline data. If you give us personal information, we will treat it according to this policy.
We consider any personal information we receive from clients, potential clients and visitors to be private and we do not share it outside of that particular relationship without the permission of the one providing the information.
We do not sell, rent or offer personal information about clients, potential clients and visitors to others. No one will receive information about you from www.BookmarkNavigator.com without your explicit permission unless required by law. You will not be quoted on our site or in any of our promotional materials without your explicit permission.
Our server software keeps a record of standard web-logging information. This information is NOT personally identifiable and includes: page hits counter, downloads counter and other general visitor behavior (date and time of the request, website path, error-logging, etc). This data is collected for quality purposes, allowing us to identify usage patterns and so optimize our website content delivery
We do not sell or rent this information to third-parties for marketing purposes unless you have granted us permission to do so.
www.BookmarkNavigator.com complies with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. We don't like receiving unsolicited commercial email and won't do to others what we don't like done to ourselves.
Our website may provide links to other third-party websites which are outside our control and not covered by this policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policies posted on these (and all) sites.
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, feel free to contact us.