Portable bookmark manager and favorites organizer - share bookmarks and favorites between multiple computers and browsers
If you are a new user of Bookmark Navigator, we recommend you to start from Quick Start Guide. This is a simple step-by-step instruction for new users of our software.
For any questions or suggestions regarding our software feel free to contact us at:
Our support team provides a 24/7 support by e-mail, we'll try to answer your question as soon as possible. If you do not receive a reply in a reasonable time, please make sure that the domain www.bookmarknavigator.com is in a "white" list of your anti-spam system.
We have partnered with Paypro Global for our order processing. Paypro Global provides all of our ordering services. If you have questions about an order you have placed, or have experienced any problems while attempting to order Bookmark Navigator, please contact Buyer Support Service for assistance.
Please do not contact Paypro with technical support issues as they will not be able to assist you. Only order-related questions should be directed to Paypro.